Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Well. Here's 2025. THE BLADE ITSELF.

I am endeavoring to write more consistently this year, and that might include more frequent blog posts. What to blog about? Who knows? We'll see what comes.

You might read more than a bit of my personal takes on various things. Please just remember that is what they are. My takes. Your mileage might vary, or be the polar opposite.

I didn't want to start the year with a rant/whine. (I have one.) So, instead; READING.

Last night, as the new year approached, I was nearing the end of Joe Abercrombie's THE BLADE ITSELF. I was at 90% on my Kindle, and figured it would be today ("next year") when I would finish. Turns out, the story just stops. The trilogy is a bit like LORDS OF THE RINGS, I guess, in respect to being one large story split over three books.

Which meant that at 92%, the book ended. The other 8% were a preview of the following novel, BEFORE THEY ARE HANGED.

Nice moment for rolling into 2025. (I am still crediting THE BLADE ITSELF on my 2025 Reading Challenge, however.) 

Not a re-read, for me. Yes, I waited this long. Not sure why. Life.

I enjoyed it. A lot of setup. Some good action, but not as much as you might expect. Excellent character building. The world building might be excellent, too, but there is a lot more to be revealed.

I've already ordered the trade paperback boxed-set (half price on 'zon right now.) I will definitely be continuing with this one this year.