Monday, July 13, 2015

Recreating my youth, one digital file at a time

I don't know if I've mentioned it here, but my first superhero comic was an issue of Captain America. I remember it well because we had dropped my father off for a business trip and we bought the comic at the airport newsstand. I read it in the car on the way home - and that is how I became car-sick the first time.

I never got swept up in comics as a kid. I didn't quite get hooked, and my parents didn't exactly encourage nor discourage comics reading. I know my Dad didn't think much of comics.

Flipping through stacks at the comic shop this weekend, I came across a Spider-man (actually, a MARVEL TEAM-UP) that I also owned. So, I bought it. Then I recalled I also had an Iron Man issue. Yes, just three issues. I remember reading the Captain America over & over. I don't remember the other two as well, but they are the same year. I wonder if we had actually bought a 3-pack at the airport. Or maybe I had the Captain America and then shortly after tried a 2-pack. I don't recall.

I let them go many years ago.

Anyway, after that little memory tweak this weekend, I looked up the digital versions and lucky for me, they're all available at Comixology. I already had the Captain America, I grabbed the Marvel Team-up just because, and I added the Iron Man to my digital collection.

Looking forward to re-reading these two.


  1. Chris Clairmont used two issues of Marvel Team-Up to tie up some loose ends when Iron Fist got canceled. I recall really liking the John Byrne art.

    1. I grabbed the companion issue, too. Another good thing about the digital age is finally resolving these backstories or reading the previous issue for the setup that have left me hanging since I was a kid! (though, some resolutions leave much to be desired - like the Cap arc)

  2. Also of note - Marvel Team-up 64 was the first time I recall seeing an interracial kiss - even before I ever saw the famous Star Trek scene in reruns.)

  3. I think my first comic was Fantastic Four. I never got very caught up in them either.

  4. I need to invest in a good tablet so I can read digital comics. There are a ton of comics I would love to go back and get. I've still got most of the comics I had as a kid, but I would like to be able to read them any time and place I feel like.

    And speaking of storylines being resolved, The Freedom Fighters were canceled on a huge cliffhanging note that as far as I am aware, was never resolved. We're talking the version from the late 70s.

    1. I know iPads aren't as cheap as the other tablets but the comics do look incredible on them.

  5. Very cool, wish I had the comics I started out with but I wasn't mature enough to start actually taking care of them until I was about 10. I remember I had lots of Spider-man, Superman, Hulk, Godzilla, Justice League, etc.
