Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Man, I don't think I've ever been as blind-sided by Halloween's arrival as this year!

Between the crazy 80degree(F) weather early in the month, and now a power-crippling snow-storm, it never even felt like autumn.  Most towns have also rescheduled trick'or'treat and other holiday events for later days, too.

 Busy month personally, too.

My kids did attend a couple of events in costume, at least.

I didn't even get around to reading a horror short story or picking a horror movie.  I don't think I'll be awake enough tonight to watch anything.  I spent the first half of last night tending the fire in the wood stove until power came back.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quiet October

Well, it's been a quiet month on my blog, anyway.  Lots of busy stuff at home and work.  Nothing I really felt like blogging about.

One thing I came across yesterday was a free teaser comic for Avenging Spider-man, which despite its name, is more about Spider-man team-ups than Spider-man p.o.v. Avengers stories.  That could be interesting.  Sounds a little like a Spider-man version of Batman: the Brave & the Bold. (serious take, though, not like the humorous t.v. show.)

I haven't really bought much Marvel, been hanging tight with DC.  But, as a kid I always liked Spider-man.  This title is supposed to focus more on the hero than the alter-ego stories of Peter Parker.

I might give it a try, it starts its run in November.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Strange Worlds!

It's available now!

Assembled by artist/editor Jeff Doten, this anthology was a collaborative effort.  Jeff contacted the writers, each of whom chose a color illustration as the inspiration to craft a sword-&-planet tale.  Jeff then added some black & white interiors based on the resulting stories.

It's been a long time since a sword-&-planet anthology of new tales has been published.

I am very excited to be a part of this work, and I share the table of contents with some talented writers!

I can't wait to read the other stories!  (oh, mine is titled, "Pearls of Uraton")