Saturday, January 18, 2025

Rest with Crom on the mountain, Howard Andrew Jones

I don't have overmuch to say, but wanted to add my voice to the accolades--and sadness at the passing--of Howard Andrew Jones.

I wasn't close to Howard, so another reason I won't say much. Others have it covered.

We knew each other online. We never met in person, which is a shame. I met him through the old Conan dot com forums and/or the Sword & Sorcery dot org website. Could have been either. I corresponded with him, volunteering to put a couple of the online FLASHING SWORDS ezine issues into mobile reader format. In thanks, he sent me two of the Harold Lamb volumes he had edited.

After S-& fell away, we connected on Facebook but didn't have much interaction. I kept tabs on his progressing writing career. Like everyone else, I was thrilled for him that he finally landed a sword-&-sorcery series with Baen, with his Chronicles of Hanuvar.

I'd not really had interest in getting back into any particular fan groups around heroic fantasy again. About a year and a half ago, a friend invited me to a Discord server in that area. Howard was the first to spot that I had signed on, and he greeted me with a warm welcome.

That's the kind of person he was.

1 comment:

  1. Thx Paul. Hate it that he was not able to fully enjoy his breakthrough. Life can be cruel. But he left a mark as a truly good man, and that is enough.
